The following error appears when running the Bulk Loader Client:
IM Bulk Loader invoked ...
Loaded configuration options from properties file: C:\CA\Virtual Appliance Tools\CA-IM_BulkLoadClient\conf\
Input file name: C:\CA\HRtoIDM\Output\Create_Employee.csv
Input file format: CSV
Transformation of input file finished successfully
Server URL:
Submitting all records in one request ...
WARN 13-12 16:43:22,968 - Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.
Failed to submit data to server
ImsException caught:
Fault Code: Client
Fault String: Not Authenticated.
Name: com.netegrity.ims.tews6.Tews6Exception
Code: 400
Description: Not Authenticated.
Wrong configuration at Bulk Loader Client properties file.
1. Backup your exiting bulk loader client properties file.
2. Run the bulk loader client with -u, -p, -S flags to commit username and password on the bulk loader client properties file correctly with correct encrypted password.
3. Reset any custom properties from the backup to the newly generated properties file.
4. Run the bulk loader client again.