CA Automic Applications Manager
In order to verify that this may be your problem, place the attached SQL script (test_pipe_inc_update.sql) in Applications Manager's sql subdirectory where the Master is installed.
Login to SQL Plus as Applications Manager's Oracle user and execute the script. Results should look similar to this:
SQL> @test_pipe_inc_update
statement 1
statement 2
starting aw_inc_update
In set_aw_jq_activity
Commited. commit_aw_hard called from set_aw_jq_activity 1
Leaving set_aw_jq_activity
aw_inc_update awake at 12:30:00
aw_inc_update setting sleep time to 1
aw_inc_update exiting loop at 12:30:01
In set_aw_jq_activity
Commited. commit_aw_hard called from set_aw_jq_activity 1
Leaving set_aw_jq_activity
at 1
at 2
at 3
In set_aw_jq_activity
Commited. commit_aw_hard called from set_aw_jq_activity 1
Leaving set_aw_jq_activity
at 4
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Elapsed: 00:00:06.92
Note in the above example it took only 6 seconds for the aw_inc_update procedure to run.
Since tuning Oracle relates to Oracle and not to your Applications Manager configuration, you would need to contact Oracle for specific settings to tune your system.