RmiServer can not be started, 'rmiserver did not start at /appworx/data/inst.pl'
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RmiServer can not be started, 'rmiserver did not start at /appworx/data/inst.pl'


Article ID: 89334


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


When attempting to start the processes, the startup of the RmiServer fails with the message 'rmiserver did not start'. The RmiServer log file shows the following error message:

ErrorMsg: AwE-5023 Data format error

Details: not found

java.lang.RuntimeException: Masters.properties


Release: 9.4, 9.5


The error message 'AwE-5023 Data format error' suggests that your sosite is not invoked properly or the environment variables are not set correctly.



The environment variables have to be corrected and/or the sosite file has to be re-invoked by following the below steps:

1. go to the $AW_HOME folder

2. invoke the sosite file: . site/sosite

3. stop all processes: stopso all

4. kill all hung processes (optional)

5. restart the processes: startso all