When attempting to start the processes, the startup of the RmiServer fails with the message 'rmiserver did not start'. The RmiServer log file shows the following error message:
ErrorMsg: AwE-5023 Data format error
Details: not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: Masters.properties
Release: 9.4, 9.5
The error message 'AwE-5023 Data format error' suggests that your sosite is not invoked properly or the environment variables are not set correctly.
The environment variables have to be corrected and/or the sosite file has to be re-invoked by following the below steps:
1. go to the $AW_HOME folder
2. invoke the sosite file: . site/sosite
3. stop all processes: stopso all
4. kill all hung processes (optional)
5. restart the processes: startso all