Error generated when trying to delete object via the User Interface (Java UI or AWI)::
Error generated when trying to delete object via the User Interface (Java UI or AWI)::
U4006507 Object 'XXXX.XXX.XXX.XXXX' is active! You cannot delete this object while it is active
Release: all versions
Component: Automic Workload Automation
Example steps in a scenario where this would occur:
1) Duplicate an object
2) Name the new object
3) Rename the duplicated object with an ".old" extension
4) Rename the new object to the original objects name.
Then you attempt to delete the old object and receive the message above.
The likely cause of this is the object is still in the Activity window (possibly in a Parent Jobplan if it is not visible). Use the search utility to find where the object is in use (ex.: Parent object in Activity window). If the object is a child of a parent object, it may be necessary to change Activity window view from the Hierarchical view to the List view.
After objects have been deactivated from Activity window, you should be able to successfully delete the old object.
We can identify these runids as follows
select EH_AH_Idnr from eh where EH_OH_Idnr in (select oh_idnr from oh where oh_name = 'JOBS_NAME')
The EH_AH_Idnr coresponds to the runids
Do an advanced search for all the runIDs in AWI and do a forced deactivate,
Once this is done we can delete the job from process assembly