Setting Tracing within the AWI
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Setting Tracing within the AWI


Article ID: 89181


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


Setting Tracing within the AWI


To set tracing within the AWI:

1.) Modify your uc4config.xml for AE Client Trace:
-- Located at <Apache Tomcat Installation>/webapps/<ECC Name>/config/uc4config.xml

Change the line reading:
<trace count="10" xml="0"></trace>
<trace count="10" xml="3"></trace>

2.) Modify your logback.xml for Tomcat Trace:
-- Located at <Apache Tomcat Installation>/webapps/<ECC Name>/config/logback.xml

Change the line reading:
<root level="INFO">
<root level="TRACE">

3.) Backup your current Tomcat log directory (<Apache Tomcat Installation>/logs) in case the error is not easily reproducible.
4.) Remove contents of log directory.
5.) Restart the Tomcat Server.
6.) Set any Automation Engine tracing as recommended by support.
7.) Replicate the issue.
8.) Stop the Tomcat Server.
9.) Change the values back to original settings in steps 1 & 2.
10.) Zip the contents of the log directory (and any Automation Engine tracing recommended) and send to Automic Support.
11.) Restart the Tomcat Server.