I see the following error in the RmiServer log when a SFTP_JAVA job is run in a process flow.
Prompt 7 changed from "EPS_CAMPHIST{#MKT_CAMPHIST_597}_*.ctl.pgp" to "EPS_CAMPHIST_20130320_*.ctl.pgp" by OSU=AppWorx JDBC Thin Client
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0
Job Launch timed out {CSCPAPPWRX01-JDBC Thin Client}
status action QUEUED by ARD
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0
PREPROCESS_COMPLETION 03/21/2013 13:18:18
Job Launch timed out {CSCPAPPWRX01-JDBC Thin Client}
CA Automic Applications Manager
The login for the SFTP_JAVA doesn't match prompt #1 in the SFTP_JAVA job "Remote Machine Userid"
Edit he SFTP_JAVA job, and make prompt #1 the same as the login name in Logins. If the login name in Logins ends with an @ symbol leave it off in the login prompt for the job. This only applies to process flows that contain ftp_java jobs.