Applications Manager - after upgrade to v9, Banner lis and log files appear twice in the list of Output files
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Applications Manager - after upgrade to v9, Banner lis and log files appear twice in the list of Output files


Article ID: 88502


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CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


Applications Manager - after upgrade to v9, Banner lis and log files appear twice in the list of Output files

After upgrading to Applications Manager version 9,  the lis and logs only appear twice in the Applications Manager output files window.  In the Banner job submission directory, they appear once, as expected. 

The issue is not with the delivered application.  It is the result of custom code provided by Automic's PST (Professional Services Team) for Applications Manager v8 and Banner Agent jobs.  The custom code checks to see if the Output Search Pattern field is populated on a job or component's Banner tab.  If not populated, then the custom code will register the output with the awprint functionality in a RA.COMPLETION script.

As part of the v9 upgrade, several new clob columns were added to various baseline tables and data is now being stored in them.  As a result, the custom code (written for v8) is checking a column that is no longer used and the result is that the output is registered twice in Applications Manager.


Release: AAMORS99000-9.0-Automic Applications Manager-Oracle - RMS


Possible Resolution 1:   Note:  This is unsupported code provided as a convenience by Automic's PST.  Run the following sql statement to update the existing custom function.  **There should be no expectation of this code working in future upgrades or that future updates will be provided.

Login to sqlplus with your App Mgr schema owner to run the script:

CREATE OR REPLACE Function GetRAXMLAttr   ( rowid_in IN rowid, table_in IN varchar2, attr_in IN varchar2 )   RETURN varchar2ISpragma autonomous_transaction;xmll long;AttrStart number;AttrValue varchar2(2048);BEGIN   CASE upper(table_in)        WHEN 'AW_CHAIN_DETAIL_XML' THEN select EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(aw_comp_xml_clob), '/data/job/@'||attr_in) into xmll from AW_CHAIN_DETAIL_XML where rowid = rowid_in;        WHEN 'AW_JOB_QUEUE_XML'    THEN select EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(aw_job_xml_clob), '/data/job/@'||attr_in) into xmll from AW_JOB_QUEUE_XML where rowid = rowid_in;        WHEN 'AW_MODULE_XML' THEN select EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(aw_job_xml_clob), '/data/job/@'||attr_in) into xmll from AW_MODULE_XML where rowid = rowid_in;        WHEN 'SO_OPERATORS'        THEN select EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(so_xml_clob), '/data/job/@'||attr_in) into xmll from SO_OPERATORS where rowid = rowid_in;        ELSE select EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(aw_job_xml_clob), '/data/job/@'||attr_in) into xmll from AW_MODULE_XML where rowid = rowid_in;   END CASE;   AttrValue := xmll;   RETURN AttrValue;EXCEPTIONWHEN OTHERS THEN      raise_application_error(-20001,'An error was encountered - '||SQLCODE||' -ERROR- '||SQLERRM);END;/

Possible Resolution 2.  If a custom runtime extension script exists, check the script to see if it calls awprint.  If so, rename the custom script so that it won't be used.  To determine if you are using a custom script that calls awprint, look in the Banner Agent working directory for files named RA.COMPLETION*

If any are found, review them for code that includes awprint, similar to this:
# Update return code in so_job_queue table
$AW_HOME/c/awexe gso_upd_so_rc var_value=$exitCode so_jobid=$jobid
# Start Output Registration
echo ${5}
if [ "$awprint_registration" = "TRUE" ]
   . $AW_HOME/site/sosite
   echo Output Files
   ls $HOME/*_${5}*
   ls $HOME/*_${5}*|while read file
       $AW_HOME/c/awprint PRINT -n $file -d $HOME -j $jobid
# End Output Registration

-Rename the files that contain awprint
-Edit Banner jobs/process flow components - go to Banner tab.  If the Output Search Pattern field is null, click the 'Reset Defaults' button to populate the field with the delivered value.  Say OK to save changes.
    Note:  If you are working with job capture, then edit your capture template to confirm these values.