How to change the color of the AM client in different environments.
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How to change the color of the AM client in different environments.


Article ID: 88275


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CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


How do I configure Applications Manager Java client to display a different color to allow different clients from different environments?


CA Automic Applications Manager


Follow the steps outlined below in Option 1 for each environment you want to change and set the theme color option in the file to a unique color for each unique environment.  This will support Aqua, Ruby and Emerald color themes.

In addition, you can use Option 2, to use the 'steel' theme in the client.jnlp file instead of java and the client will display a purple color scheme.  Using this option, you do not need to make any changes to the

Option 1

1. Backup the $AW_HOME/web/Client.jnlp file
    cd $AW_HOME/web
    cp Client.jnlp Client_jnlp.orig
2. Edit the Client.jnlp file
    Change this line:
            <property name="jnlp.appworx.LookAndFeel" value="java"/>
            <property name="swing.metalTheme" value="ocean"/>
    Save the changes and exit the file.

3. Change directory to $AW_HOME/web/classes and backup the current file
        cd $AW_HOME/web/classes
        cp Options_properties.orig
4. Edit the file
    Add  lines similar to these after the JdbcPortNumber entry.  The following 3 colors are known to work: Ruby, Aqua and Emerald.
    # Set theme to a different color: Ruby, Aqua or Emerald. 
    Save the changes and exit the file.

5. Log out of your client and log back in and the new color will be displayed.    

Option 2

1. Backup the $AW_HOME/web/Client.jnlp file
    cd $AW_HOME/web
    cp Client.jnlp Client_jnlp.orig
2. Edit the Client.jnlp file
    Change this line:
            <property name="jnlp.appworx.LookAndFeel" value="java"/>
            <property name="swing.metalTheme" value="steel"/>
    Save the changes and exit the file.

3. Log out of your client and log back in and the new purple color will be displayed.