Getting a EIN7013 error when performing a Foreground Add using the Endevor Integration for the Natural Environment (EINE)
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Getting a EIN7013 error when performing a Foreground Add using the Endevor Integration for the Natural Environment (EINE)


Article ID: 8826


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration


After applying some Software AG Natural V8.2.6 maintenance, the Foreground (FG) Add in Endevor EINE started failing with an EIN7013 error.

In reviewing the EINE Server logs found the following messages:

API function: EADQ ; User: user001  ; Return code: 7013 ; Reason: 0000 ; Hi Msg ID: EIN7013

DNOE Command:                                                            
   ==> UNLOAD pgmname LIB natlib DBID nnn FNR nnn OBJTYPE N SCKIND S WITH  
   ==> NEWNAME pgmname WHERE TRANSFER INCL                                
   P-RETURN-CODE:         -82                                            
   P-CMD-RETURN-CODE:           0                                        
   P-RETURN-MESSAGES(1):  Natural error 82 occurred in OBJHAPI line 1905  



Natural V8.2.6


The Software AG Natural V8.2.6 maintenance introduced a problem with the OBJHAPI utility.

See Software AG KB article #1784082:   
   (Note: a SAG logon and password to the EMPOWER portal is required in order to view the KB article)

Natural - Natural error 82 occurred in OBJHAPI line 1905

KB #:        1784082             Operating System Family:MF
Product:Natural (NAT)         Operating System:       z/OS
Last Updated:18-SEP-2017 


When using OBJHAPI from a library on the FUSER,
After applying NAT826 CF08, then we receive the following error :
Page      1                                                  17-08-21  10:14:46
Error         -82 occurred:                                                    
Natural error 82 occurred in OBJHAPI line 1905                                 

 LASTMSG command shows the actual error :
 OBJHAPI 1905 NAT0082 Invalid command, or Subroutine TEST-IF-ZAP-APPLIED does not exist in library.


Apply Natural fix: NATMF-24805    Natural error 82 occurred in OBJHAPI line 1905


Cumulative fix 09 for NAT826