How do I clear an alarm that is not user clearable in CA Spectrum, such as "UNRESOLVED FAULT DETECTED"?
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How do I clear an alarm that is not user clearable in CA Spectrum, such as "UNRESOLVED FAULT DETECTED"?


Article ID: 8825


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


A fault isolation alarm is raised on the fault isolation model, caused by a deleted model, which is not clearing:

"Critical","Nov 2, 2017 3:14:53 AM EDT","Fault Isolation","","","FaultIsolation","Yes", "UNRESOLVED FAULT DETECTED","xxxxx (0xx00000)","FaultIsolation"

Restarting the SpectroSERVER has no effect.


Release: Any version of Spectrum
Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms


The fault isolation alarm is not user clearable, so this cannot be cleared manually. Non-user clearable alarms cannot be cleared outside of its clearing condition.

It is also persistent, so restarting the SpectroSERVER does not remove it.


  1. Find the Model_Handle value for the model on which the alarm is raised. If the alarm is raised on the fault isolation model, this can be found via a locator search on:
    application models -> filter by "fault isolation"

    Or, in the component detail window, from the attributes tab, we can obtain the Model_Handle (MH) of this model.

    For example:

  2. What is the clear event for the event you wish to clear?

  3. Send the clear event via CLI, to the model, holding the alarm.

  4. Searching the alarm title "UNRESOLVED FAULT DETECTED" in OneClick Client -> Event Configuration window, we find 0x10d05, with a cause code of 0x10703:

    We find the clear event for this, from a bash shell shows clear events of 0x00010d32 & 0x00010d33:

    # cd SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor

    # grep -r 10703 .

    ./Cabletron/EventDisp:0x00010d32 E 50 C 0x00010703,2

    ./Cabletron/EventDisp:0x00010d33 E 50 C 0x00010703,A


  5. From CLI logged as Spectrum Install Owner account, we send either of the clear events identified in step 4 above to the model (bash -login).

    # cd $SPECROOT/vnmsh

    # ./connect

    # ./create event type=0x10d33 text="Fault Isolation alarm was cleared" mh=<MH of model from step 1>


    # ./create event type=0x10d32 text="Fault Isolation alarm was cleared" mh=<MH of model from step 1>


Additional Information

The steps in this docs can be used to clear any alarm, by substituting the clear alarm, and the model handle.

This should only be done when absolutely necessary, as Spectrum used valid alarms to run Fault Intelligence calculations.