AE system usage in System Overview -> Automation Enging indicates 100%
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AE system usage in System Overview -> Automation Enging indicates 100%


Article ID: 88019


Updated On:


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


Error Message :

The system usage may indicate that the WP or CP processes are at 100% when viewing the System Overview --> Automation Engine.  The usage will be displayed in the B.01, B.10 or the B.60 columns.  However, these columns are not an indication of process usage but rather of recent past activity on the AE system.


OS Version: N/A


Cause type:
By design
Root Cause: The B.01, B.10 and B.60 columns indicate how active a process has been (idle vs. working), not process performance.


Each column (B.01, B.10, B.60) represents the amount that a particular process was working during the past minute (B.01), past 10 minutes (B.10) or past 60 minutes (B.60). This number represent idle vs. working.
For example, if the B.60 column shows 100 for V11#WP001 this means that it was working the entire last 60 minutes. It does not mean that it has reached the performance limitation. It is simply a notification that the WP was running.
These numbers are meant to provide information about how active the AE system has been.  It is not meant to indicate the Automation Engines system performance either long-term or short-term.

In the figure below the system is at B.60=70 %

Additional Information

Workaround :