Error Message :
U0038129 Waiting 1 minute for the generation of Version Control Objects. Processing will be continued afterward.
A Transport Case takes a long time to load into a Client with Version Management enabled.
The above error message is displayed in the DB.Load log.
If a transport case is loaded into a client that has VERSION_MANAGEMENT set to YES, Automic creates entries in the internal task list (ITL) table (GEN_OX) to create version management entries. Those entries are done by the Dialog Worker Processes (DWPs) which might take a couple of minutes --> hours longer than the DB.LOAD itself.
If another transport case is loaded you will see the above error message because the DWPs are still generating version management entries. Otherwise, it could cause some data inconsistencies.
Version : AWA 21.0.3
Cause type: By design
Root Cause: A Transport Case with VERSION_MANAGEMENT set to YES creates entries in the internal table ITL (GEN_OX) to create version management entries. Those entries are done by the DWPs and may take a while to run.
In order to prevent data inconsistencies when doing a Transport Case, there may be a delay when performing the load into a Client due to the following:
* A Client has Version Management activated
* Version Management was active at some point when the transport case was loaded
* If a new system is being loaded with a transport case containing objects from another system, the load utility will wait regardless of whether Version Management is active or not. The utility is coded so that the U0038129 Waiting message may be displayed whenever there is something to do in the ITL table.
Workaround :
There are 3 recommended workarounds to this issue:
1. Wait until the first "post processing" of the transport case is finished (DWPs have created all version management objects)
2. Disable the version management during the DB.LOAD
3. Add additional DWPs to accelerate the GEN_OX tasks, each DWP creates 5 version management objects / 20 seconds