Error Message :
U0029007 Not all blocks (Limit '120') have been transferred from file 'A806.UC4.TEMP.OAADERTG.TXT'.
When running a Job the above error message is displayed in the Message window.
By default, Automation Engine will only return about 960,000 bytes of a Job report. This protects the Automation Engine (AE) from a runaway job that produces a large output, possibly due to an error, or a core dump returned as a job report and stored in the Automic database.
The output is retained on the system where the job was executed.
The 2 variables that control this are stored in the UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT in client 0. They are MAX_REPORT_SIZE and REPORT_BLKSIZE. MAX_REPORT_SIZE is the number of blocks, specified in REPORT_BLKSIZE, that are transferred back to the Automic database.
The message indicates that a Job, with an output greater than the maximum, was processed and not returned to Automic.
Check the output on the respective system for the Job report/output. There is no problem from the Automic perspective.