Unable to install or update the MVS Agent as described in the documentation.
The UCX.MSL file for the MVS Agent contains invalid new line characters for MVS.
In previous versions the new line characters in this file for this Agent are "CR LF" (carriage return line feed - Windows encoding). However, in earlier 10 and 11 versions "LF" (Unix encoding) was used.
Please open the attached screenshot to have a view on the problem.
Z/OS Agent 12.3.5
Root Cause: Due to build issue. "LF" (Unix encoding), instead of "CR LF" (carriage return line feed – Windows encoding), were used for new line.
Refer to the "Description" or "Workaround" sections for solution information.
No fix version provided, the workaround described below is still valid.
Workaround :
Option 1: Use Automic FT to transfer the MSL file to the mainframe (it determines the line encoding automatically)
Option 2: Use native FTP on a Unix/Linux box to transfer the MSL file to the mainframe.
Option 3: Use a MSL file form a older SP, where the encoding is correct
Option 4: Use a file editor to change the LF to CRLF (e.g. Notepad++ change from “\n” to “\r\n” in “Extended” Search Mode or Menu Edit ==> EOL Conversion ==> Windows (CR|LF)) and save the file.
This subject has been reopened as bug of the Z/OS Agent 12.3.5.
A UCX.MSL with Windows specific End of Lines (CR/LF) we be available in a near version of the Z/OS Agent. As long as this not be done, use of the listed workaround.