Fatal Error Installing TDM due to ALM User Privileges Missing
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Fatal Error Installing TDM due to ALM User Privileges Missing


Article ID: 8743


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


While trying to install Test Data Manager, I am receiving a fatal error. The process is wanting us to install an ALM User with administrator privileges, which we cannot do. 


CA Test Data Manager (TDM)


While installing or upgrading TDM, the process will want to install an ALM User. You will receive an error message if you have chosen not to install the ALM or Agile Central (Rally) components. This causes the installation/upgrade to stop or abort and you will not be able to continue past this step.


We recommend having administrator access for the service account user performing the installation or upgrade. On the first step of the install/upgrade process, you are presented with a list of components and prerequisites that need to be installed. Check the boxes for ALM and Agile Central (along with whichever ones you need). This way you will be able to continue with the installation/upgrade process. By default, all of the components are checked to be installed if this is the first time. However, some users only need certain components, so if you are upgrading from a previous installation where other components were not installed, you may not have the ALM or Agile Central components checked. 

Additional Information

Please see our installation and upgrade documentation here: 
- https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/devops/test-data-management/4-10/installing/install-test-data-manager.html
- https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/devops/test-data-management/4-10/installing/upgrade-product-components.html


If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to https://support.braodcom.com.