DUAS: Dollar Universe v6 startup fails after the upgrade
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DUAS: Dollar Universe v6 startup fails after the upgrade


Article ID: 87286


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


After the upgrade Dollar universe is not properly started so the Upgrade fails on Step 4.
Even if the IO is started some processes like CDJ, BVI could not start.

Error Message :
 On the maintenance.log file we can see the following:
# -------------------------------------------------
# Problem during DUAS instance start.
# The following engines do not start:
# uxioserv_V6 X
# uxdqmsrv_V6 X
# -------------------------------------------------
Upgrade is successful, but there is an issue while starting DUAS server.
Check log /dollaruniverse/log/universe.log and try to restart the instance.

# ---> ERROR:
# -------------------------------------------------

-----> Errors occur during upgrade, stop here.

# Procedure aborted.

At the same time in the universe.log this error appears:

|ERROR|X|IO |pid=p.t| u_ouv_serv | failed in u_listen: Errno syserror 98: Address already in use
|FATAL|X|IO |pid=p.t| u_io_srv_main | Error opening IO server X service: port number in use (already started?) 


Product: Dollar Universe 6
DUAS version: upgrade from 5.6 to 6.x


Cause type: Configuration
Root Cause: During the upgrade procedure Dollar Universe 5.x was not stopped correctly.


Check that the duas 5.6 processes belong to the correct user (ex: univa).
To do so, you can use the command ps -efHwl | grep ux

If your process belongs to a user which is not the administrator, you will need to execute the ux_dus_rights command:

-Log in as root
-Shutdown Dollar Universe
-Execute the following:
ux_dus_rights.sh univa universe LOW
- connect you with univa
- uxstartup

Then proceed with the upgrade using an Administrator or root account.

Additional Information

Workaround :
Stop/kill manually the v5 processes (CDJ / BVS / DQM) in Step 3 directly to avoid the issue.