Error Message :
Example of the type of message that is continuously written to file /log/rfc/dev_rfc.trc
**** Trace file opened at 2017-08-02, 18:38:46 GMT
RFC library: 721, Current working directory: /apps/DU/600/HKESAP_HKESAP03/bin/bin_sap, Program: uxagtsap
Hardware: AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux x86_64, Operating_system: Linux 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64, Kernel_release: 721 patchlevel 38
Hostname: <hostname>, IP address:, IP address_v6: 2001:db8::/32
Changing global trace directory to /apps/DU/600/HKESAP_HKESAP03/log/rfc
The file dev_rfc.trc of the SAP Manager grows quickly with repeated messages even though the RFC trace level has been set to 0.