Error Message : - Error message in history trace: ################### ... Server process not found ... ... *** Task launch refused? *** ###################
Description :Jobs are aborted and no job log is generated.
OS: All OS Version: All OS
Cause type: Configuration Root Cause: The message "Server process not found" means that jobs are searching for the DQM process, but this one is stopped / not started.
Make sure that you are using DQM.
On Unix, DUAS will use DQM, if a symbolic link /etc/UNIVERSE_DQM_{CompanyName} exists. For example: /etc/UNIVERSE_DQM_TST530 -> /apps/du/530/TST530/DQM
For Windows, the following will be defined in the uxsetenv.bat file: if NOT "%UNIVERSE_DQM_{CompanyName}%"=="no" set START_DQM=Y For example NOT "%UNIVERSE_DQM_TST530%"=="no" set START_DQM=Y In the ...execUNIVERSE.def and ...exec{CompanyName}.def files, you will see this: UNIVERSE_DQM_{CompanyName} yes For example: UNIVERSE_DQM_TST530 yes
To fix this issue, please try to restart the DUAS, the DQM server should be restarted.