Description :The following functions do not work with a specific role.
-launch uproc (without task) -launch session (without task) -launch task that has a single uproc -relaunch job -bypass conditions for uproc within a session that contains more than one uproc
The details concerning the role.
MDM BASE DEV config: Application - Remove every checkmark except Display, Distribute Application Directory - Remove every checkmark except Display, Distribute Business View - Business View: MDM* Calendar - MU=A_MDM* Domain - Remove every checkmark except Display, Distribute DQM Queue - Remove Create and Delete Exception - Uproc = MDM* - MU = A_MDM* Job Chain - JOB_CHAIN=MDM* Launch - Task = MDM* - Session = MDM* - Uproc = MDM* - MU = A_MDM* MU = A_MDM* MU Dependency - MU_Parent = A_MDM* - MU_Child = A_MDM* MU Directory - MU = A_MDM* Note - Task = MDM* - Session = MDM* - Uproc = MDM* - MU = A_MDM* Outage - Type=MU* - MU = A_MDM* Production Plan - MDM* Resource = MDM* Runbook - Task = MDM* - Session = MDM* - Uproc = MDM* - MU = A_MDM* Session = MDM* Submission Account = MDM* Task - Task = MDM* - MU = A_MDM*
Uproc= MDM* Uproc Class= MDM*
OS: All
Cause type: By design Root Cause: This is a defect in the functionality description from the documentation.
The UVC user manual is updated with the 6.2.01 release in order to clarify the description.