Impossible to deploy, delete or update a specific Logical Resource
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Impossible to deploy, delete or update a specific Logical Resource


Article ID: 87220


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
In universe.log of the affected node:
|ERROR|X|IO || owls_resource_delete | Resource expected by an execution: cannot delete

When attempting to deploy, update or delete a Logical Resource that is expected by a Job at runtime, UVC/command line do not allow to execute the operation producing an error message.
However, in the Job Runs on the affected node there is no Job with status Event Wait because of that Logical Resource.


OS: All


Cause type:
Root Cause: There are quotas from the affected Logical Resource that are still used by a Job that was executed earlier. These were not released properly.
This is shown by line in file u_fmeq60.dta (in the data folder of the node).


In the event a Job with status Event Wait is still waiting for the Logical Resource, cancel it before updating the Logical Resource.
If no Job has a status "Event Wait", nothing appears in the "Resource Event List" menu regarding the affected Logical Resource, simply reset file u_fmeq60.dta. 

To do so:
1. Load the node environment and stop the node using unistop
2. Back up file u_fmeq60.dta found in the data folder of the node
3. Execute the following command to reset the file:

a) On Unix:
$UNI_DIR_EXEC/uxrazfic u_fmeq60
b) On Windows:
%UNI_DIR_EXEC%\uxrazfic u_fmeq60

4. Run an offline reorganization: unireorg
5. Start the node: unistart

Fix Status: No Fix