Dollar universe cannot be installed or cannot launch jobs with a user present on the VMS system
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Dollar universe cannot be installed or cannot launch jobs with a user present on the VMS system


Article ID: 87186


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
 The following error is present on the dialog box during the installation procedure :

"unknown user"

You try to launch a job that remains in "aborted status" and the following error is present in the universe.log file:

| 2014-10-02 17:07:48 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=1550997.97620480| o_AclILocal_OWLS | k_define_access_rights(UNI_DIR_ROOT_C:[data.exp.local]username.users.com_bs_.key) for user returns -2
| 2014-10-02 17:07:48 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=1550997.97620480| o_Auth_ILocal_OWLS_Trt_Ke | o_AclILocal_OWLS returns error [-1]
| 2014-10-02 17:07:48 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=1550997.97620480| o_Auth_ILocal_OWLS_Trt_Ke | unable to set ACL for user LOCAL_KEY []/[]

You tried to install Dollar Universe with one user present on the VMS system but Dollar Universe cannot recognized it.

The problem arrive at the following installation step:

If you want to administrate this instance with another user than "JWN"
Give the already existing username, by default “USER” will be administrator: [JWN]

You try to launch jobs with an user defined on Dollar Universe but the jobs remains in '"aborted" status


OS: VMS Itanium
Component: Dollar Universe Application Server

Component Version: 6.x


Cause type: Configuration
Root Cause: Security of Dollar Universe take in account the Identifier value of each user
The user used to install Dollar Universe or to launch jobs not have a Identifier value and therefore does not exist in $U's perspective


If you find these errors please run the following command:


In this example "SYOPS" is the user account used to install Dollar Universe

If this command returned a value of '0', indicate that the user had no Identifier and therefore did not exist in $U's perspective.
Please ask to your VMS admin to modify the user to ensure that your user had a valid non-zero Identifier value.

Once this was done, the user could be assigned as the owner of Dollar Universe and it will be able to launch jobs.