Cannot generate uxtrace on Dollar universe V6.x for Windows, the script fails upon execution with an error related to WMI service.
It can also occur that during the upgrade of a Dollar Universe node, in the middle of the setup the upgrade cannot continue as the .vbs script that is launched to detect if there are any processes or services running shows an empty list:
OS: All Windows version
There are multiple causes that can explain this problem, on the first case (uxtrace not working) the issue was caused by an Antivirus locking the execution of .vbs scripts, but on the later one ( processes not being detected), it was due to a problem with WMI service.
Open a case with your System Administrator and show them the error generated when launching a visual basic script such as slmgr.vbs, they should check with Microsoft how to fix it.
1. Check the following registry key
2. At that key in the right window, is there a Value (Default) of type REG_SZ with a "Data" of VB Script Language?
3. Check the following registry key:
4. At that key in the right window, is there a Value (Default) of type REG_SZ with a "Data" of C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll?