Commands receive errors after upgrading to DUAS v5.6
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Commands receive errors after upgrading to DUAS v5.6


Article ID: 87169


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Affects Release version(s): 5

Error Message :
- The output of Dollar Universe commands:

UxCmd_LoadUniverse Erreur d'initialisation
Modification impossible :l'utilisateur est inexistant
commande en erreur!!

- In the universe.log
<< 2012-12-20 16:58:48 0012801/uxcal /UxCal /000000000 - Starting
<< 2012-12-20 16:58:48 0012801/uxcal /UxCal /000000000 - Company ORSYP
<< 2012-12-20 16:58:48 0012801/uxcal /UxCal /000000000 - Area S
<< 2012-12-20 16:58:53 0012816/uxstratm /U_UATM /134448442 - %UNI_-E-U_CMDLANCE, Lance
<< 2012-12-20 16:58:54 0012824/ /UxEch /000000000 - Starting

<< 2012-12-20 16:59:19 0013104/uxset /u_io_callsrv_gen /000000000 - u_get_servname_c(ORSYP, X, IO) returns error
<< 2012-12-20 16:59:19 0013104/uxset /u_gelog1 /000000000 - Unable to get logical name S_CODNOEUD (API returns error -1)
<< 2012-12-20 16:59:19 0013104/uxset / /134460986 - %UNI_-E-U_UENV0101, La societe est inconnue

Patch level detected:Dollar Universe 5.6.0
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 5.6.0 FX25010

Description :Dollar universe commands doesn't work after upgrade from 5.1.3 or 5.3.3 to Dollar Universe 5.6.


OS: All Unix
OS Version: All.


Cause type:
Root Cause: Environment variables are not set correctly in the uxsetenv files.


- Check if uxsetenv is the file delivered with the 5.6 package
- Verify that the Dollar Universe environment is correctly set.

Fix Status: No Fix

Additional Information

Workaround :