Univiewer Webconsole / Webstart >= 6.6.25 cannot be launched: "Found unsigned entry in resource"
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Univiewer Webconsole / Webstart >= 6.6.25 cannot be launched: "Found unsigned entry in resource"


Article ID: 87109


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
A java popup error appears complaining of an unsigned entry in the PubClient.jar.
On the exception, the following kind of message appears:

com.sun.deploy.ne.JARSigningException: Found unsigned entry in resource: <tomcat_url>/univiewer_console_dir/jars/PubClient.jar

Patch level detected:Univiewer Console 6.6.25
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 6.6.25

Description :On systems with an old version of Java 6 or Java 7, the univiewer webconsole / webstart 6.6.25 or superior cannot be launched.


OS: All


Cause type:
By design
Root Cause: The issue is due to the fact that the systems where the univiewer console was launched had an old version of java ( inferior to java 7 update 51).
The new secured way to sign the .jar files imposed by Java starting on Java 7 update 51 has been implemented on Univiewer console 6.6.25 or superior, in order to align with the Java requirements.
Please consult the following link: https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/entry/new_security_requirements_for_rias


In order to avoid this issue, please upgrade the Java software installed on the systems where the univiewer console is launched to Java 7 update 51 or superior.
You can download Java from this link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
The current recommended version ( October 2016) is Java 8 update 101.

After upgrading java, it is possible that you still get the same error, so you need to empty your Java cache as well, please follow the following procedure to do so:

Fix Status: Released

Fix Version(s):
Component: Univiewer.Console
Version: Dollar.Universe 6.7.01

Additional Information

Workaround :