Error Message : In the upgrade log file: ######################## Command : uxadd prof prof=PROFINQ label="Inquiries profile"
UxCmd_LoadUniverse Initialization error Update to an unknown User command in error!! Command : uxadd prof prof=PROFSUB label="Submission profile"
UxCmd_LoadUniverse Initialization error Update to an unknown User command in error!! [07/13/13 18:40:48] Warning: Could not create some profiles (They may already exist!) [07/13/13 18:40:48] [07/13/13 18:40:48] STEP 30-05 Updating profile for user operator [07/13/13 18:40:48] Before update, list of users is: Command : uxlst user full
UxCmd_LoadUniverse Initialization error Update to an unknown User command in error!! [07/13/13 18:40:48] RUNSTEP5 failed, exiting. ########################
Description :After a Dollar Universe upgrade (e.g.: V5.33 to V5.6), the Dollar Universe commands (uxadd, uxlst) don't give the expected results and finish with an error.
OS: All Unix OS Version: All supported
Cause type: Configuration Root Cause: The Dollar Universe upgrade was done by a user (in this case "root"), while this user never exists in the Dollar Universe users table. So this user "root" is not recognised by the Dollar Universe installation and can't execute the Dollar Universe commands (e.g.: uxlst, uxadd, etc.)
- Execute the command "Whoami" to check which user is used, - Change to a Dollar Universe user, (e.g. : su -univa) - Now that the user is a one recognized by Dollar Universe, you can set the environment and then add the first user (in this example : "root") to your Dollar Universe users table with the command uxadd user. - Now that the user is added, you can change back to the "root" user and you can use it to verify your installation.
- In order to avoid this kind of problem, please ensure, before launching the Dollar Universe upgrade, that your user is added in the users table.