During the update of a Domain Manager to r14.*, the upgrade of the MDB fails with error 1603.
The following error 193 can be seen in the log file TRC_INST_ITRM_0.log under the user's %Temp% directory:
Current working directory: <C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Local\Temp\ITRM\database>
isFreshInstall assumed <0>
run command: <D:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\Mdb\Windows\jre\bin\java.exe -Djava.library.path=".\lib" -classpath .\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar;.\lib\ojdbc14.jar;.\lib\sqljdbc.jar;.\setup.jar;.\;.\msql\post_install.sql ca.cms.mdb.setup.Setup -cfg setup.properties -a checkprereq_install/install/verifyschema/addusers/postinstall>
LaunchCmd start
LaunchCmd: Process could not be created, errro code <193>
LaunchCmd end return <FALSE>
Launching Command failed
Init: end
Schema installation failed [7]
DatabaseInstaller::~DatabaseInstaller: start
DatabaseInstaller::~DatabaseInstaller: end
Leaving DBInstall()
CA-Client Automation - All r14 versions
Check if there's a file named "Program" under the root directory of the installation path,
D:\ in this example.
If exist, delete or rename it and retry the upgrade.