Description :Jobs in Jobs Runs still show up even after the reinitialization of u_fmcx60 and u_fmfu60
Release: ADUNAS99000-6.0-Automic Dollar Universe-AS Component:
Cause type: By design Root Cause: In Dollar Universe v5.x, the IO server scans first the SB records (future launches), and then scans the CX records (finished launches).In Dollar Unierse v6.x, the IO server ONLY scan records in the SB files, and it can also get also complementary information from the HR file (start date, end date).
Please note that since the expected launch and job monitor files are reinitialized, we also recommend to reinitialize the history traces because it will be useless because the history traces will no longer be accessible either from command line or via Univiewer Console.
############################ IMPACT ######################### *All the existing records in the job monitor will be lost. *Relaunching a job, which aborted before the initialization, won’t be possible.
*All the history traces of the previously executed jobs will be lost. *The variables of a previously aborted job will be lost, this will impact the relaunch of any job which aborted before the initialization.
*Deletion of the previous launches *Manual launches or launches generated by an uxordre command will have to be manaually recreated.
For UNIX/Linux:
-Stop Dollar Universe.
-Check that your company is well stopped Type the following unix command: ps -ef | grep ux | grep -v cuxxm | grep -v grep
-Launch the following commands where X, A,S,I are for Production, Application, Simulation and Integration, respectively.
Launches: $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmsb60 X $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmsp60 X $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmtp60 X
Execution History: $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmcx60 X $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmfu60 X
History Trace $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmhs60 X $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmph60 X
Job Statistics $UXEXE/uxrazfic u_fmhr60 X
-Run the offline reorganization.
-Restart Dollar Universe.
For Windows:
-Stop Dollar Universe.
-Check that your company is well stopped In the Windows services panel or through a net start please check if your Univer$e _IO_ services is well stopped.
-Launch the following commands where X, A,S,I are for Production, Application, Simulation and Integration, respectively.
Launches: %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmsb60 X %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmsp60 X %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmtp60 X
Execution History %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmcx60 X %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmfu60 X
History Trace %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmhs60 X %UXEXE%\uxrazfic u_fmph60 X