Dollar Universe stops while performing the online reorganization
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Dollar Universe stops while performing the online reorganization


Article ID: 86770


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
The following errors appears on the universe.log during that period, followed by the typical messages indicating that the node stops.:

| 2016-10-17 00:04:31 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=13828200.4113| u_move_file | u_move_file error
| 2016-10-17 00:04:31 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=13828200.4113| u_trt_req_rgz | u_fmpi60 reorganization error: Rename idx file error. stopping...

Patch level detected:Dollar Universe 6.4.41
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 6.4.41

Description :While doing the online reorganization ( by default around 00:01), the dollar universe node stops by itself.


OS: All Unix


Cause type:
By design
Root Cause: Starting on Dollar Universe version 6.4.41, the node will stop in case one of the files with extension dta or idx cannot be created / modified by the user launching the uxioserv process.On this case, the issue was due to a wrong manipulation executed as the root user instead of the dollar universe administrator user.
#CMD# ls -ltrai /var/universe/WBPROD/data/expAs you can see, the file u_fmpi60.idx could only be modified by root, and the uxioserv was running as wbuniva.


In order to fix the issue, simply launch the command uxrights to restore the correct permissions / owner on all the dollar universe files.
For that, please apply the following procedure ( the node should be stopped while doing so):

1. Login as root
2. Load the dollar universe environment:
. ./unienv.ksh
3. Launch the following command with the node stopped (replace wbuniva by the correct user administrator of the node):
$UNI_DIR_EXEC/uxrights -m assign -a wbuniva

4. Connect as the administrator of the node ( replace wbuniva by the correct user administrator of the node):
su - wbuniva

5. Load the dollar universe environment:
. ./unienv.ksh

6. Launch an offline reorganization:

7. Start the node:

Fix Status: Released

Fix Version(s):
Component: Application.Server
Version: Dollar.Universe 6.4.41

Additional Information

Workaround :