Dollar universe inserts gibberish characters into the STDIN upon starting a job
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Dollar universe inserts gibberish characters into the STDIN upon starting a job


Article ID: 86762


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Some uprocs fail on Unix/Linux nodes when launched via Dollar Universe 6.
The reason being that the STDIN contains a lot of garbage characters.

Example of Java Job launched via Dollar Universe, the output contains weird special characters in the logfile:

09:22:22.989 [main] DEBUG - Stdin arg: +*�


Another example of a job log showing the issue:
$!** VERSION .....: 000
$!** EXECUTION .. : 0000045
_!** PROCESS DATE : 02/25/2015
$!** PARAMETERS. : None
line = PK
line = line = ACC_PUBLICline = CONSTANT_Utf8line = ConstantValueline = opc_aaloadline = opc_athrowline = opc_checkcastline = opc_dup_x1line = opc_getstaticline = opc_if_icmpeqline = opc_ifnonnullline = opc_ifnullline = opc_putstaticline = opc_returnline = opc_sipushline = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = line = ConstantValueline = Exceptionsline = StackMapTableline = booleanIdxline = canWidenToline = doubleCtorIdxline = emitMethodline = exceptionsIdxline = floatUnboxIdxline = floatValueline = integerIdxline = opc_athrowline = opc_returnline = shortUnboxIdxline = shortValueline = superClassline = T T T T ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S U V W X
line = h
line = i
line = v
line = w
line = z
line = u
line = {
line = }line = ��*��*������*���϶�*��*������*���϶�**���ϵ�*��.��*��*���϶�**���ϵ�*��


OS: Linux/Unix


By default, Dollar Universe 6 closes the stdin of the launched processes and until version 6.4.01 this setting could not be modified.


First, be sure that the Dollar Universe node is on version 6.4.01 or superior.

There is a new node setting on Dollar Universe for Unix:U_BATCH_CLOSE_STDIN which is set by default to Y.
You can find it on the section Technical Settings -> Close standard input in batch

In case your scripts are failing because of this issue. specially on Linux/Unix with bash / ksh shells, it will be necessary to set this variable to No (N).