Unable to create a new submission account: "Error reading file u_fxsa60: 6"
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Unable to create a new submission account: "Error reading file u_fxsa60: 6"


Article ID: 86604


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
When launching the command line to add a submission account or the univiewer console, we get the following kind of error:
Object not found error.
Command in error!!

On the universe.log, we get this kind of errors:
ERROR|X|IO |pid=16814.47| OBtFile_AddRecord_nodat | o_btree_file_add_key k2, err=[OBT_RECDAT_KEY_USED], file=[/duas_folder/data/u_fxsa60], pos=[31] art=[my_submission_account XXX XXX
ERROR|X|IO |pid=16814.47| xn_get_id | Error reading file u_fxsa60: 6
ERROR|X|IO |pid=16814.47| o_io_cache_data_provider_ | Error getting ID for <my_submission_account >: 6
ERROR|X|IO |pid=16814.47| owls_user_create | cannot find internal ID for USER [my_submission_account]

Patch level detected:Dollar Universe 6.7.01
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 6.7.01

Description :Suddenly, the file u_fxsa60.dta seems to have been corrupted and it is impossible to create a new submission account either via the command line / univiewer console.
The existing submission accounts continue to work correctly.


OS: All


Cause type:
Root Cause: The root cause states that the file u_fxsa60.dta has been corrupted.The first line should be a line with the name of records ( accounts) on the file starting on the column 286:
Example on mine:


In order to fix the issue, you should:

1. Load the environment and stop the node: unistop
2. Backup the current file /data/u_fxsa60.dta
3. Restore the file u_fxsa60.dta from a date before the above errors started to occur ( check before that the first line is correct)
4. Launch an offline reorganization: unireorg
5. Start the node
6. Try to create a new submission account, check that it is working and that the errors are gone.

Fix Status: Released

Fix Version(s):
Component: Application.Server
Version: Dollar.Universe 6.7.01

Additional Information

Workaround :