When doing a role replace, the role still remains on the project with allocation in CA PPM (Project & Portfolio Management). This can happen if the role being replaced has a higher availability than the resource it is replaced with or the role is overallocated for any portion of the project.
Below is one example to reproduce the behavior:
1. Set up a role with 8 hours of availability (Go to Home->Resources, click on the Role, and check that the Availability is set to 8 hours)
2. Set up a resource with 7.5 hours of availability in PPM and set their primary role as the role being used in #1
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a new project in PPM
2. Add the role above to the project
3. Set the Start/Finish dates of the role for one week (in this example 10/20/17 - 10/26/17)
4. Click the Resource Finder (Magnifying glass) icon next to the role
5. Check the check box next to the resource that was set up with 7.5 hours of availability and click Replace
6. Proceed through the remaining prompts (If asked to overallocate, you can select the option to overallocate or allocate remaining only. A defect (DE37311) has been fixed as of CA PPM 15.4 where this message where no longer incorrectly appear in a role replace)
Expected Results: The resource is added to the team and the role is removed from the team
Actual Results: While the resource is added to the team, the role remains on the team with allocation remaining (In this example, they are left with 2.5 hours of allocation)
Solution 1: Some options to workaround the behavior if due to resource/role availability mismatch:
Solution 2: If due to role overallocation: