Dollar Universe cannot be started: "values.xml file: [error near line 1]: root tag missing"
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Dollar Universe cannot be started: "values.xml file: [error near line 1]: root tag missing"


Article ID: 86214


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
The following kind of errors appear on the output of the unistart command:

Error in C:\orsyp\MUHSAP\data\values.xml file: [error near line 1]: root tag missing
Init error 750
Error in C:\orsyp\MUHSAP\data\values.xml file: [error near line 1]: root tag missing
Error 750 initializing configuration.
DUAS environment loaded for Company Node .
checking version file consistent . . . .
DUAS environment loaded for Company Node .
Binaries are not consistent with data, your instance cannot be started. 

Patch level detected:Dollar Universe 6.0.00
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 6.0.0

Description :Dollar Universe cannot be started.
When the start is attempted. the startup script returns several errors about the values.xml


OS: All


Cause type:
Root Cause: The file values.xml ( which is on the folder data) was corrupted


Check the values.xml for missing tags, containers and fix them ( you can take as an example the values.xml of another node).
Restoring a backup of this file is also a solution.

Fix Status: Released

Fix Version(s):
Component: Application.Server
Version: Dollar.Universe 6.7.41

Additional Information

Workaround :