Some tasks stop from being scheduled: "Failed saving TA Article to IO server (error 11)" on version 6.7.2x
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Some tasks stop from being scheduled: "Failed saving TA Article to IO server (error 11)" on version 6.7.2x


Article ID: 86198


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
Example of traces that we have on the universe.log when setting the main log level to 0,CALCTA:

 2017-06-14 16:11:36 |INFO |X|IO |pid=11894.140355622131456| implProcessTAArticlePlani | Begin: Run ok at (16:13) on day (168:17) for task [TSK(SWM_PSATVL)(000)].
| 2017-06-14 16:11:36 |FATAL|X|IO |pid=11894.140355622131456| u_cal_recTA | Failed saving TA Article to IO server (error 11)
| 2017-06-14 16:11:36 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=11894.140355622131456| implSavePlanifiedJobsAndC | Error 11: Failed saving TA article for Job A_EXP/TSK(SWM_PSATVL)(000)
| 2017-06-14 16:11:36 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=11894.140355622131456| u_cal_processTAArticle | Job A_EXP/TSK(SWM_PSATVL)(000): Error 11: Failed saving the job
| 2017-06-14 16:11:36 |TRACE|X|IO |pid=11894.140355622131456| k_module_calc_cycle | Error -1821 processing Job A_EXP/TSK(SWM_PSATVL)(000)
| 2017-06-14 16:11:36 |TRACE|X|IO |pid=11894.140355622131456| k_module_calc_cycle | Job key3 after das: 20170614155100

Patch level detected:Dollar Universe 6.7.21
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 6.7.21

Description :Some tasks ( mainly multiple launch tasks that are launched many times per day), stop from being launched after the last launch of the current processing date.
The issue started to occur on version 6.7.21.

When displaying the "Launch Date" column on the menu tasks, we see that the date displayed for the concerned task is in the past.


OS: All


Cause type:
Root Cause: There was a defect introduced on 6.7.21 that would cause the calculator to loop when calculating the next launch at the end of the current processing date, this could be noticed when adding the trace CALCTA on the main log level.


The defect has been fixed on Dollar Universe 6.7.41 and superior.
The workaround consists on disabling / enabling the concerned task.

Fix Status: Released

Fix Version(s):
Component: Application.Server
Version: Dollar.Universe 6.7.41

Additional Information

Workaround :