CA PanApt message APCS1210-23 You are not authorized to approve MODL moves for this group
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CA PanApt message APCS1210-23 You are not authorized to approve MODL moves for this group


Article ID: 8609


Updated On:


PanApt PanAudit


The approver is getting the CA PanApt message APCS1210-23 You are not authorized to approve MODL moves for this group.


PanApt 3.2


The user was not defined in the group where the approver is defined.


From the Control File Maintenance CTL panel change the userid to add the group where approver is defined.

See example below:

 Command ===>
 Enter Action  ==> c    ( ADD or A , CHG or C , INQ or I , DEL )
 Enter S to Select:
 |  Record Type       Key                  Instructions
 s  User id       ==> usrid01              (Enter UserID, Blank for list)
    Activity      ==>          /           (Enter File/Action, Blank for list)
    System info
    System Security info
    Verification Procedures
    Library Level Maintenance
    Access Method ==>                      (Enter Access Method, Blank for list)

    CA-Pan/LCM Configuration Manager info


 Add the group for the userid:

 Example below:

----------------------------  User ID Maintenance  -----------------  CA-PanAPT
 Command ===>

 Action           ( CHG )                          User ID          ( USRID01  ) 
 Administrator?       ( N )             Allow use of this signon? ( Y )
 Operations?          ( N )
 Group information
    Group 1 ( TEST     )   Group Administrator? ( N )  <<<< add the group name - in this example the group is TEST >>>>
    Group 2 (             )   Group Administrator? (   )
    Group 3 (             )   Group Administrator? (   )
    Group 4 (          )   Group Administrator? (   )
    Group 5 (          )   Group Administrator? (   )
                                   1         2
 Approval capabilities: ( YYYY...Y.Y.......... )