APCS5330-05 Invalid Verification Category '01' for Move Request
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APCS5330-05 Invalid Verification Category '01' for Move Request


Article ID: 8604


Updated On:


PanApt PanAudit


APCS5330-05 Invalid Verification Category '01' for Move Request. The Verification procedure category is not required for the current Move Request at the current level.


PanApt 3.2


The PanAPT APCS5330 program tried to pass the setpost for the verification procedure however there was not a verification flag set in the current move level.



The Verification Requirements flag for the current level would need to be set to Y. 

The Verification Requirements is located at the level in the LCM(Library Code Maintenance - Level detail) page.

Scroll down until you come to the list of  the Library Code Maintenance - Level Processing.

See example below:


 Action ( INQ )                         Library code / subcode ( TST / PAN )
Press ENTER to proceed; Enter END or CANCEL or RETURN to terminate.
Enter LEFT or RIGHT for different level views.
Action Commands:
|     INQ or I
Act   Level       Dataset / Message
===   ====    ============================================


Select the level. In this example the QA LIBSYS.APT.QA.PANLIB is selected:

------------------  Library Code Maintenance - Level detail  -------  CA-PanAPT

 Command ===>

 Action( INQ )   Level( QA   )            Library code/subcode ( TST / PAN )
          DSN                                          DDname   Security Accmeth
 Target : LIBSYS.APT.QA.PANLIB                         TSTPAN1
 Backup : LIBSYS.APT.BKUP.PANLIB                       TSTPAN1B
 Backout: LIBSYS.APT.BKOT.PANLIB                       TSTPAN1O
 Move    Control ( C ) Copy, Move and delete, Delete w/o moving, Inactive level
 Backup Enabled  ( Y ) Yes/No
 Backout Control ( B ) Backout and restore, Restore without backout, Prohibited
 Verification Requirements  Approval Requirements      Backout Approvals
   12345678901234567890      12345678901234567890      12345678901234567890
 ( YYYY................ )  ( YYYY................ )  ( .................... )
 Exits   Program / =    Parameter
 MSL    ( APAS0600 )   (                                                    )
 Exist  ( APAS0222 )   (                                                    )
 Browse (          )   (                                                    )
         Press ENTER key to process; Enter END command to terminate.


 You will note the Verification Requirements are set to Y. If the Verification Requirement flag has not been set for the specific level then change the LIB/CODE and change the level to Y.

 Rerun the APCS5330 program for the setpost.