Jobs aborting with error "The related object could not be found"
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Jobs aborting with error "The related object could not be found"


Article ID: 85698


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Error Message :
On universe.log message as follows:

| 2014-08-14 15:00:15 |WARN |X|IO |pid=7128.7960| encodeFileResponse | unable to read file [D:\ORSYP\DUAS\<COMPANY>_edmbla1\log\exp\XE000000001U000000009.0000009]
| 2014-08-14 23:00:00 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=7128.6568| owls_user_read | cannot read USER [<username>][U000000003 ], err=3
| 2014-08-14 23:00:00 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=7128.6568| o_io_cache_data_provider_ | Error getting User <username>: 600
| 2014-08-14 23:00:00 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=7128.6568| owls_user_read | cannot read USER [<username>][U000000003 ], err=3
| 2014-08-14 23:00:00 |ERROR|X|IO |pid=7128.6568| o_io_cache_data_provider_ | Error getting User <username>: 600
| 2014-08-14 23:00:07 |WARN |X|IO |pid=7128.7552| encodeFileResponse | unable to read file [D:\ORSYP\DUAS\<COMPANY>_edmbla1\log\exp\XE000000001U000000004.0000014]

Patch level detected:Dollar Universe 6.2.00
Product Version: Dollar.Universe 6.2.0

Description :After new DUAS install jobs abort with error message on UVC console as "The related object could not be found"
Submission account service up an running.


OS: Windows Server 2003


Cause type:
Root Cause: Submission account wasn't created properly. Author code wasn't 3 numeric digits format


Delete and create the submission account and verify user account service has been created.

Author code: The user's author code on three characters: 0 to 9 and A to Z (uppercase). It must be unique in each Universe even for users having access to both Universes.

Grant full rights over DUAS installation directory to the system account related to this submission account.

Fix Status: No Fix

Additional Information

Workaround :