While trying to publish data in the TDM Portal, we are receiving the following error message-
Call to ConnectionManagerService failed with error: User is not authorized to perform this operation. User does not have access to the profile.
The reason for the failure is that the shared connection profiles created in Datamaker are not honored in Portal after upgrades. This is per design. If you have a variable (even an unused variable) or data definition using a connection profile that is not shared, then you will receive this error.
To resolve this, you need to share the connection profile to the user group within Portal, separately from Datamaker.
If you have a data definition or variable that contains a connection profile in one of the columns being used, then you will have to share that connection profile to the corresponding user groups as well.
This documentation outlines how to create a connection profile and manage groups:
If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to https://support.broadcom.com