UVC Webstart cannot be started: "Unable to launch the application"
Article ID: 85655
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CA Automic Dollar Universe
Error Message : A popup error appears when launching the Webstart with the message: "Unable to launch the application" If we click on the Details of the error, we have this kind of message:
##################### BadFieldException[ Cache must be enabled for nativelib or installer-desc support,http://server:port/univiewer_console_webstart_6.x.xx] at com.sun.javaws.jnl.XMLUtils.getAttributeURL(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.XMLFormat.process(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.XMLFormat.parse(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.LaunchDescFactory.buildDescriptor(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.LaunchDescFactory.buildDescriptor(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) #####################
Description :Following an installation or upgrade of the UVC Webstart, it is impossible to launch it after executing the uvc.jnlp
OS: All
Cause type: Configuration Root Cause: The installation / upgrade properties were not properly followed. The uvc.jnlp has to be edited so that the server / port values reflect the ones of the Tomcat where the UVC Webstart is hosted.
In order to fix the issue, edit the file uvc.jnlp on the Tomcat server as stated on the Administration Documentation of Univiewer :
5.4.3 Configuring the JNLP File Edit the uvc.jnlp file located in the root directory of the application. This file, called from index.html, triggers the download of the Java web start client to the end user’s workstation. The second line of this file contains: ? Replace with the fully qualified server name of the Web (for example, myserver.domain.com) or "localhost" if the server is local. ? Replace with the port number used by the web or application server, generally 8080 for http/web server For example:
Then relaunch the Webstart Console so that the correct uvc.jnlp file is pushed to the end-user.