RiskAuth and Strong auth service don't start
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RiskAuth and Strong auth service don't start


Article ID: 8557


Updated On:


CA Advanced Authentication CA Strong Authentication CA Risk Authentication


When trying to startup risk auth or strong auth services after a fresh install, the arcotwebfortlog throws below errors:

10/26/17 16:53:36.978 FATAL STARTUP      00004448 00WFMAIN - [UDS-STARTUP] createUdsServiceInstance failed: Bootstrap process not completed
10/26/17 16:53:36.978 WARN  STARTUP      00004448 00WFMAIN - [UDS-STARTUP] Failed to obtain UDSObject!. Got NULL.
10/26/17 16:53:36.978 WARN  STARTUP      00004448 00WFMAIN - Initializing URS Failed!.


Release: 9.1.x
Component: Strong Authentication


This error occurs when the bootstrap is has not been done before trying to start the services and UDS is not deployed.


Please complete the bootstrap task from the admin console by logging into the masteradmin and then deploy the arcotUDS.war

Here is the documentation link:

Perform the Bootstrapping Tasks