When attempting a restore of the vertica database the following error is seen:
Loading snapshot catalog from backup.
Error: SQL command "select load_snapshot_prep('new_schema_db_backup', 'CREATE_OR_REPLACE', '', '####');" failed: ERROR 6651: Backup node [####] is not found in this cluster
Restore FAILED.
This is an indication that the "NodeMapping" section is missing from the backup configuration ini file that was created when you setup your backup. You could add the following to the ini file:
v_drdata_node0001 = v_drdata_node0001
v_drdata_node0002 = v_drdata_node0002
v_drdata_node0003 = v_drdata_node0003
... then run the restore again
See the "Additional Information" section for more information about the NodeMapping section
See the following URL for additional information on the NodeMapping section of the backup configuration file: