CA Intertest V10 New PINT= parameter value not taking effect after it's changed and relinked.
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CA Intertest V10 New PINT= parameter value not taking effect after it's changed and relinked.


Article ID: 8538


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InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS


If you reassemble and link the CAVHCONF parameter with the following syntax PINT=INTBAT,INTCICS,SYMCICS (with the brackets missing) you receive a clean assembly (zero return code) but when you run CAS9 to start CA Intertest and Symdump V 10 only the FIRST product in the PINTE= parameter is recognized. When CAS9 is executed only the first product listed in the PINT= will get initialized. In this case CA Intertest BATCH . 




An SMP/e uermod was used to apply the changes to CAVHCONF but was coded it wrong. It was assembling okay with the PINT=(INTBAT,INTCICS,SYMCICS) but the ++JCLIN in SMPe was just re-linking the OLD CAVHCONF in CAVHAUTH which still has PINT=(INTBAT). The link step wasn't getting the output object module from the new assembly step.


Point to the latest object deck  with the latest parameters and relink.
Another cause of the PINT=not working is as follows
If you reassemble the CAVHCONF parameter as PINT=INTBAT,INTCICS,SYMCICS with the brackets missing as showed you receive a clean assembly (zero return code) but when you run CAS9 to start v10 only the FIRST product will get initialized in this case CA Intertest BATCH . The correct syntax is with the brackets  PINT=(INTBAT,INTCICS,SYMCICS) . A fix will be written to address this.