Univiewer Webconsole fails to start after Java modification in Tomcat Server
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Univiewer Webconsole fails to start after Java modification in Tomcat Server


Article ID: 85360


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Users cannot connect to the UVMS while downloading the Webconsole, as soon as logon is introduced, the following error is received in UVWC:

Unexpected error while connecting to the UniViewer gateway. Please contact your administrator for assistance

In some cases, Java has just been upgraded on the server hosting Tomcat and the issue started to occur after this change.


OS: All

Product: Dollar Universe

Component: Univiewer WebConsole any version


Cause type: Configuration
Root Cause: Tomcat server should be stopped during Java upgrades and started after the procedure has completed successfully.


First, check the Tomcat main log catalina.out and verify why Tomcat has stopped working ( more likely because the JRE being used has been removed, the symbolic link pointing to the JRE has been modified or the variables JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME are not properly set).

Once, this problem is fixed, restart the Tomcat Server hosting the Webconsole and UVC Webconsole will continue to work as expected.

Additional Information

In order to force Tomcat to use a particular JRE, in Linux it's recommended to define in the .bash_rc or the .profile of the user starting Tomcat JAVA_HOME like this:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr


Use alternatives command to create the necessary symbolic links to /usr/bin/java