We are having an abend 0C4 in Changeman module SERUSER at +50A. We think this might be occurring due to SymDump and we would like for you to look at it.
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We are having an abend 0C4 in Changeman module SERUSER at +50A. We think this might be occurring due to SymDump and we would like for you to look at it.


Article ID: 8443


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


We are having an abend 0C4 in Changeman module SERUSER at +50A. We think this might be occurring due to SymDump and we would like for you to look at it.


Release: SYMDBA00200-9.1-SymDump-Batch


CA took a look at the dump and it looks like we expected it to look. That an abend occurred in SERUSER. When the system went to produce a dump, SymDump Batch got control and produced an abend report. You can see the abend report that we produced at the end of the doc you sent us. 

As a test, you can add a CAOESTOP DD DUMMY (that is user modifiable, see your STOPDD parameter) to the abending job and SymDump Batch will skip processing the abend. You will see that just a sysudump is produced and no involvement from SymDump Batch. If you have no application code running in this job, you might not ever want a SymDump Batch report. If that is the case, adding a CAOESTOP DD or some Exclusion Criteria might be what you want going forward.