Ask for a "ulimit -a" on the user, who started the agent:
ulimit -a
address space limit (Kibytes) (-M) unlimited
core file size (blocks) (-c) 0
cpu time (seconds) (-t) unlimited
data size (Kibytes) (-d) unlimited
file size (blocks) (-f) unlimited
locks (-x) unlimited
locked address space (Kibytes) (-l) 64
message queue size (Kibytes) (-q) 800
nice (-e) 0
nofile (-n) 1024
nproc (-u) 2048
pipe buffer size (bytes) (-p) 4096
max memory size (Kibytes) (-m) unlimited
rtprio (-r) 0
socket buffer size (bytes) (-b) 4096
sigpend (-i) 515261
stack size (Kibytes) (-s) 10240
swap size (Kibytes) (-w) not supported
threads (-T) not supported
process size (Kibytes) (-v) unlimited
Release: Automic 12.3
The expected values in the ulimit list are the default (1024) or close to it. Increase the -n value to 2048 or higher.
Fix Status: No Fix
Fix Version(s):
In some situations, restarting the server has been found to fix the issue.