Unable to start WP - U0003487 ListenSocket ... could not be created.
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Unable to start WP - U0003487 ListenSocket ... could not be created.


Article ID: 84366


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


Error Message :
U0003413 Socket call 'bind' returned error code '10048'. Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
U0003487 ListenSocket with port number '4532' could not be created.

A worker process (WP) is unable to start.

Start the WP from the command line.

The WP log shows the following:

U0003413 Socket call 'bind' returned error code '10048'.
    Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
U0003487 ListenSocket with port number '4532' could not be created.


Release: Automic Workload Automation
Component: Automation Engine


Cause type:
Root Cause: The WP port cannot be created because the port number defined in the UCSRV.ini is already in use.


  1. Find out what program is using the port defined for the WP and disconnect it from the port.
  2. Alternatively, change the port number defined in the UCSRV.ini.
  3. Restart the Working Process after these changes are made.