An error occurs in CA Identity Manager during Lync account creation:
Error occurred while setting Lync User attributes: Management object not found for identity "%USER_AD_DN%".
Identity Manager 14.01+ contains a fix for this problem by using a timeout.
If this is still occurring in your environment on Identity Manager 14.01+ please perform the following steps:
Ensure that you're using the the original "W2kNamespace.dll" which came with the product and then follow the below steps and retest:
Step 1: Stop the C++ Connector Server (i.e im_ccs) service.
Step 2: Place original dll "W2kNamespace.dll" which came with product back in place.
Step 3: Set environment variable "ADS_LYNC_OPERATION_DELAY" to an appropriate value (value is in seconds) For example, the value 120 would be a 2 minute delay, the value 300 would be a 5 minute delay.
Step 4: Start the C++ Connector Server (i.e im_ccs) service.
NOTE: If you are running 12.6 version of IM, this has been back ported to IM12.6SP8CR2. If an upgrade to SP8CR2 is required, please do so and follow the above same steps.