I am getting a timeout error while searching through SharePoint People Picker only when users in a given role are more than 95,000 users Role "givenName"
There are 99,000 Users in the Role "givenName"
[12396/23006][Mon Sep 04 2017 11:24:50][SmDsLdapConnMgr.cpp:1231][ERROR][sm-Ldap-02230] Error# '85' during search: 'error: Timed out' Search Query = '(&(|(objectclass=organizationalPerson)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(objectclass=organization)(objectclass=organizationalUnit)(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=group)(objectclass=organizationalperson)(objectclass=inetorgperson)(objectclass=IDMPerson)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=IDMGroup)(objectclass=organizationalUnit)(objectclass=eTGlobalUser)(objectclass=eTGlobalGroup)(objectclass=organizationalperson)(objectclass=inetorgperson)(objectclass=IDMPerson)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=organizationalUnit))(AssignedRoles=givenName))'
It was observed that when user count is 90000, the error was not reported. The error occurs when the user count reaches 95000
Search Timeout needs to be increased in Policy Server configuration
Please add new registry variable SearchTimeout to increase search timeout in Policy Server.
Under this registry path
Right click on LdapSessionServer - New - DWORD (32 bit) value this will create a variable and rename as below
Set the value of 40 (in seconds)
This registry change should take effect automatically. However, if issue persists after making above registry chnages, please plan a Policy Server restart.