After upgrading Datamaker and connecting to the repository, I am receiving the following error message:
The repository table gtrep_system is not populated so this repository cannot be used
In some cases there may be an error that the gtrep_system table is missing.
If the default database you are using is not pointing to gtrep when creating an ODBC connection profile, then you will receive this error message and be unable to connect to the repository.
To resolve this, you will need to point your 'Default Database' to 'gtrep' and you can follow the steps below to do this.
1. Open/edit the gtrep repository connection profile in Datamaker.
2. Under 'Default Schema', add 'dbo' in the text box.
3. Click on the box icon next to the 'ODBC Source' option.
4. Click on the gtrep repository.
5. Choose the 'System DSN' tab.
6. Click the 'Configure' button.
7. Make sure your system details are accurate. Click Next.
8. Add your gtrep password. Click Next.
9. Check the box for 'Change the default database'.
10. In the drop down window, find 'gtrep'. Click Next and Finish.
11. Test the data source connection. If test was successful, click OK.
12. Re-launch Datamaker.
13. Retest connecting to the gtrep repository. The connection should be successful.