When adding, updating, generating an element used as Input component by elements with the AUTOGEN Option, Endevor build one SCL for each multiple GENERATE's for the same Elements even it has been already built for the previous input component.
This is not occurring for other element type.
Traces EN$TRAUN & EN$TRAUT are showing the following messages, where message "C1G0343I ELEMENT .... WILL BE GENERATED" is duplicated:
C1G0345I PROCESSING AUTOGEN FOR ELEMENT ECOBINC1/TCPY001. TARGET IS environ/system/subs/1 ACMQ408I OPTIONS C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOBINC1 TCPY001 system subs environ 1 C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOB001 TCOB001 system subs environ 1 C1G0341I AUTOGEN: MAPCheck environ system subs 1 C1G0343I ELEMENT ECOB001 / TCOB001 / system / subs WILL BE GENERATED C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOB002 TCOB001 system subs environ 1 C1G0341I AUTOGEN: MAPCheck environ system subs 1 C1G0343I ELEMENT ECOB002 / TCOB001 / system / subs WILL BE GENERATED C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOBINC1 TCPY001 C1G0345I PROCESSING AUTOGEN FOR ELEMENT ECOBINC2/TCPY001. TARGET IS environ/system/subs/1 ACMQ408I OPTIONS C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOBINC2 TCPY001 system subs environ 1 C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOB001 TCOB001 system subs environ 1 C1G0341I AUTOGEN: MAPCheck environ / system / subs 1 C1G0343I ELEMENT ECOB001 / TCOB001 / system / subs WILL BE GENERATED C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOB002 TCOB001 system subs environ 1 C1G0341I AUTOGEN: MAPCheck environ system subs 1 C1G0343I ELEMENT ECOB002 / TCOB001 / system / subs WILL BE GENERATED C1G0341I AUTOGEN: @ACMROOT 1ECOBINC2 TCPY001 |
Did not define the Element type in the Global Type Sequence (GTS) table.
Add the Element type in the Global Type Sequence(GTS) table defined in the site-specific parameter TYPESEQMBR of the C1DEFLTS.
See Documentation: