Permission error while deploying the JAR file for a DYN connector in Identity Suite Virtual Appliance
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Permission error while deploying the JAR file for a DYN connector in Identity Suite Virtual Appliance


Article ID: 8264


Updated On: 10-13-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


Customer has a vApp r14.0.1 and needs to deploy a custom DYN connector. When he tries to copy the JAR file to /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/deployments/iam_im.ear/user_console.war/WEB-INF/lib, he gets a "Permission denied" error.


Checking a default 14.0.1 GA vApp, the permissions are correct. However, customer deployed CP-IMV-140001-0001.tgz.gpg to his system and now the permissions are incorrect on the lib directory.


Issue is easily reproduced:

Under 14.0.1 GA - permissions are correct - drwxrwxrwt 2 wildfly wildfly 4096 Jul 22 14:03 lib

After deploying CP-IMV-140001-0001 - permissions are incorrect - drwxrwxr-x 2 wildfly wildfly 4096 Aug 15 12:04 lib



CA Identity Suite 14.0.1 GA vApp


Problem in the CP-IMV-140001-0001 patch.


HF-DE293785-20170518-0002.tgz.gpg or, preferentially, upgrade to r14.1